INTRODUCING The Newest Grief Book on the Market:

The ABCs of Grief by Jessica Correnti

Click The Book To Pre-Order Today

The ABCs of Grief is a children’s book that walks through each letter of the alphabet to unpack different aspects of the grief experience. 

Grief is messy, confusing, and overwhelming for all ages—but especially young children who are trying to make sense of the big changes and losses happening around them.

Grief is something EVERYONE will face at some point in their lives. Yet, grief can be difficult to navigate without having support in place. 

This book is exactly that, a gentle support, holding your hand and validating the experience each step of the way.

For Children facing grief related to: death, moving, illness, traumatic medical experiences, new diagnoses, natural and manmade disasters, big changes with school or other activities, feeling ‘different’ from others, abuse, immigration, foster care, absent or distant caregivers, and more.

Also perfect for:

Parents, Schools, Libraries, Hospitals, Therapy Offices, Grief Centers and More.

Forever Connected

A book for bereaved siblings.

Available in English and Spanish

Forever Connected is a book that helps bereaved siblings (ages 3-9) process grief after the death of a brother or sister during pregnancy, infancy, or childhood.

Death, specifically that of a baby or child, can be a very difficult topic for families to address. It is important for the understanding, healing, and coping of siblings at home to have supportive resources and tools to process this grief experience.

Forever Connected is a gentle book that explores common misconceptions that young children have about death; while emphasizing the connection and love that they will always carry with them while they grieve the death of their sibling.

If you or your organization would like to order a bulk supply of books please reach out via email or the contact tab. Let us know how many of each type of book (hardcover and/or paperback) and we will send you an invoice for the amount of books you desire to purchase.

Order your book here (English Version)

Order your book here (Spanish Version)

Order Forever Connected

3 New Children’s Grief Books Coming Soon!

Fully written and professionally edited

The first of the 3 book series, The ABCs of Grief, is at the top of this page in the pre-order phase.

Book two is expected early 2025. Book three is expected early 2026.

Sign up below for email updates to stay posted on the progress.